Blog Anniversary

How does time go by so quickly? I’ve just found out that it was a year ago to this day when I wrote my first post for this blog. It seems like only yesterday I was trying to set it up and get going with it.

I feel I should have something important and special to say on this Anniversary Day. Unfortunately I don’t, and I’m struggling to find anything at all to say. The truth is I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself. For the past week or more, I’ve been feeling unwell with what my GP tells me is a virus infection which she thinks I picked up in New York. I’m feeling much better now but still have a troublesome rash. I didn’t really plan on using my blog for this kind of information which must be of interest to  no-one, but there you go.

Anyway, as they used to say in the olden days when the television packed in: ‘Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.’

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